Driving on a suspended or revoked license are also common infractions. The penalties for failure to have a license depend on the circumstances in a given case. For instance, those who have simply forgotten their license at home generally receive a “fix-it” ticket. This typically requires showing evidence that the issue has been taken care of at a later court date.

If no action is taken, a person may then be subject to a fine or other penalties. Those who drive while their license is invalid for any reason may be committing a willful violation. In the state of Illinois, a driver could be sent to jail for up to a year for driving on a suspended license. Licenses are often suspended after a DUI conviction or for other instances in which it is best to keep a driver off the road.

If a driver is charged with a traffic violation like driving without a license, it may be necessary to speak with an attorney. This is because it is possible to spend time in jail or pay a fine if the individual is found guilty. An attorney may be able to create a defense to the charge, such as asserting that a driver had a valid license or that a traffic stop was conducted improperly.