Traffic misdemeanors are generally classified as crimes that are less serious. Getting cited for these violations typically results in punishment through fines or light sentencing that could last up to one year in jail. Some of the traffic misdemeanors commonplace in many states are reckless driving, driving without insurance, driving without a license, driving under the influence and failure to stop at the scene of an accident.

Motorists who commit these type of infractions may be taken into custody by police until they post bail. The penalties resulting from misdemeanor offenses are less severe than those issued for felony convictions. Felonies are often defined as crimes warranting a minimum sentence of at least one year in jail. Unlike felony convictions, people with misdemeanors on record may still retain their right to vote, continue their employment in a licensed profession and serve jury duty.

A criminal defense attorney may be able to assist a person who has been accused of committing a misdemeanor traffic violation. Legal counsel might be able to help get the charges dismissed or reduced by uncovering errors in the case presented to the court. Obtaining legal representation may be especially beneficial for people who are facing a potential jail sentence for their misdemeanor charge.