Tresspassing Charges



Trespassing charges are a serious matter that can lead to significant legal penalties, including fines and jail time. In addition, a trespassing conviction on your record has the potential to hurt your chances of getting a job. Renting an apartment, getting into college, or even voting or owning a firearm. For these reasons, if you’ve been accused of illegal entry in the Chicago area. You should speak to a lawyer as soon as you can. To schedule a free consultation with one of our criminal defense lawyers, call Martin & Kent today at (630) 474-8000.

The Basics of Trespassing in Illinois

Though a seemingly small offense, penalties for trespassing can actually be quite weighty and often damage your record more than you might think.

According to state law, trespassing takes place when:

  • A person knowingly enters or remains within any residence without authority; or
  • Enters the residence of another and knows that occupants are present.

It is necessary to present a defense that is based on strong evidence and many firms lack the ability to do this. At Scott Kent Law, L.L.C., we pride ourselves on giving clients our very best, time after time. If you’ve been arrested for illegal entry, the prosecution is already preparing a case against you. You should have a skilled attorney preparing your defense as soon as possible, as well. Retain our DuPage County criminal defense lawyers for swift and concise legal action.


Entering someone else’s property without permission on remaining in a place without permission can lead to an arrest and charge of criminal trespass. When you think of illegal entry, you may think of kids or teenagers sneaking across someone’s yard. While trespass is a common juvenile offense, it is also regularly charged against adult defendants in a variety of scenarios. The following are examples of common trespass crimes in Illinois:

  • Criminal trespass to real property – This charge may apply when someone enters into or remains in a building or on someone else’s property when they know they do not have the permission to do so. It can include using false documents to gain entry from owners.
  • Criminal trespass to a vehicle – This offense occurs when a person enters or operates a motor vehicle, watercraft, aircraft, or snowmobile without the proper authority from the owner.
  • Criminal trespass to a residence – You can be charged with this offense if you are accused of illegal entry of building that specifically serves as a residence for others.

We know how to defend against all types of trespass charges and will build the strongest defense possible in each case.

Unlike the offense of burglary, an individual does not have to intend to commit a crime within a building or residence to be charged with criminal trespass.

While illegal entry is often considered to be a relatively minor offense, aggravating factors can make a case more serious. For instance, if a prosecutor alleges that you entered a residence when you knew or should have known that people were present inside. The charge escalates from a misdemeanor to a felony. In addition, some trespass charges are accompanied by criminal damage to property charges. If a prosecutor alleges you damaged something while trespassing.

There are also additional trespass charges that become significantly more specific, including:

  • Criminal trespass to state-owned or supported land
  • Criminal trespass to a facility used for nuclear power
  • Criminal trespass to areas in airports that are restricted to the public
  • Criminal trespass to a school safe zone


Your penalties rest on the circumstances of your alleged crime. The court will take into account whether the offense took place on residential or ‘real’ property, if you have any prior convictions, and if any damage was done to the property. A conviction can range from a Class A misdemeanor all the way to a Class 3 felony.

Penalties for illegal entry commonly include the following:

  • Up to $25,000 in fines
  • Up to six years in prison
  • Restitution to the victim
  • Probation

Always remember that illegal entry isn’t only considered a crime when it takes place on actual property-it can also take place on a vehicle or watercraft. The same regulations generally apply and such a crime is usually considered a Class A misdemeanor.


We are aware that many times, individuals are wrongly accused of trespassing and prosecuted as such. Our firm operates under the belief that each client is innocent until proven guilty. This allows us to thoroughly investigate every aspect of your case and compile our findings into an airtight defense.

When we sit down together for your free consultation, our DuPage County criminal defense lawyers will work with you to develop a strategy that you feel comfortable with. As the client, you are our number one priority.


If you’ve been accused of illegal entry, you should speak to an experienced lawyer as soon as you can. We will review your case at no cost to you and let you know what your legal options are. As former prosecutors, we have an insight into how the other side is thinking and can use that knowledge to obtain a favorable plea bargain or directly defend against the allegations that have been brought against you. To schedule your free consultation with a criminal defense lawyer serving DuPage, Cook, and Kane Counties, Contact our office today at (630) 474-8000. We’re here to help.

Frequently Asked Questions - Trespassing Charges

What is considered traspassing in Illinois?

Trespassing in Illinois occurs when a person knowingly enters or ramins within a residence without authourity or enters the residence of another knowing that occupants are present. It involves entering or staying on someone else’s property without permission.

What are the potential consequences of a trespassing conviction?

Trespassing convictions can lead to significant legal penalties, incuding fines and jail time. Additionally, a trespassing conviction on your record can impact your chances of securing empolyment, renting an apartment, entering college, voting, or owing a firearm.

Can I be charged with trespassing in various scenarios?

Yes, trespassing chages can arise in different situations. Examples include criminal trespass to real property (entering someone’s property without permission), criminal trespass to a vehicle (entering or operating a vehicle wihout authority), and criminal trespass to a residence (trespassing in a residential building).

What factors can escalate trespassing charges to a felony?

Trespassing charges can escalate to a felony if aggravating factors are present. For instance, entering a residence when occupants are present or causing damge to property while trespassing can lead to felony charges.

What are the potential penalties for trespassing convictions?

The penalties for trespassing convictions depend on the circumstances for the offense. They can range from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class 3 felony. Penalties may include fines, prison time, restitution to the victim, and probation.

Can trespassing occur on vehicles or other properties besides real estate?

Yes, trespassing can occur on vehicles, watercraft, aircraft, and other properties. The same regulations apply, and such cases are usually considered Class A misdemeanors.

How can an attorney help if I'm accused of trespassing?

An experiecned criminal defense attorney can thoroughly investigate your case, gather evidence, and build a strong defense strategy. They can challenge the prosecution’s case, explore legal defense, negotiate for a favorable plea agreement, or represent you in court to protect your right.

What defenses can be raised against trespassing charges?

Defenses against trespassing charges can bary based on the specifics of the case. Common defenses may include challenging evidence of entering without authority, questioning the knowledge of occupancy, an asserting violations of your consitutional rights.

How do I choose the right defense attorney for my trespassing case?

Choose an attorney with experience in handling trespassing cases, a record of successful defense, and a commitment to protecting your rights. A consultation with an attorney can help you assess their expertise and fit for your case.

What should I do if im accused of trespassing?

If you’re accused of trespassing, it’s essential to exercise your right to remain silent and avoid answering questions without an attorney present. Contact a criminal defesne attorney as soon as possible to discuss your case and legal options.

How can I schedule a consultation with a trespassing defense attorney?

To schedule a free consultation with an experienced criminal dfense attorney at Scott Kent Law L.L.C., call (630)-474-8000. They can provide expert advice tailored to your case, protect your rights, and guide you through the legal process.