Traffic Ticket DefenseLife is busy, and it means that many of us in the Chicago area do a lot driving—particularly in the suburbs. With all that driving comes the occasional traffic ticket. We’ve all gotten a minor traffic ticket or two; it’s simply part of our modern lives. This doesn’t, however, mean that these tickets can’t result in undesirable outcomes. Before you rush to pay your traffic fine online, carefully consider the attendant consequences. An experienced traffic offense attorney can help you weigh your options and ensure that your best interests are protected. To schedule a free consultation with one of our DuPage, Kane, and Cook County criminal defense lawyers, call our 24-hour line at (630) 474-8000.

The Point System in Illinois

If you receive a moving violation in Illinois, points are added to your driving record. The number of points you’ll receive is determined by the type of violation. The accumulation of too many points can lead to serious consequences that can affect your life in significant ways:

  • Driver’s license suspension
  • Driver’s license revocation
  • State fines and fees
  • Required community service
  • Required course for driver improvement

Typically, minor traffic violations will remain on your record for four to five years, and a license suspension or revocation—after the accumulation of too many points—will remain on your record for seven years. Because life is hectic and because traffic tickets do happen, points on your driving record can add up and have serious consequences.

If you’re looking at too many points on your driving record and are facing another traffic ticket—or are concerned about any issue related to a traffic violation—you don’t have to take it on alone. The dedicated traffic violation attorneys at Martin & Kent, L.L.C., in DuPage County, Illinois, have the skill, knowledge, and experience to aggressively advocate for the best possible resolution of your situation.

Points Pile Up

Points on your driving record are accrued based on the kind of traffic offense and the seriousness of the offense. A speeding ticket for blasting past the speed limit will earn you far more points than will a ticket for going just a few miles over the limit. Further, reckless driving, failure to stop at a stop sign, and failure to obey a traffic sign, signal, or light will all earn you hefty points. Finally, your driving privileges will be jeopardized if you receive too many traffic violations within a short amount of time. Three or more traffic tickets within one year may lead to the suspension or revocation of your license, which can be extremely inconvenient—and can even affect your job and livelihood if you can’t get to work.

Hikes in Car Insurance Premiums

Traffic violations in and of themselves are extremely expensive—and they add up—but there are other costs associated, including increased car insurance premiums. As you’re probably all too aware, car insurance isn’t cheap in the first place, but if you’re racking up traffic violations, your rates could well skyrocket. In fact, traffic violations can lead to an accumulation of expenses that should never be discounted.

Court Appearances

While most traffic violations can be paid through the mail or online, more serious violations demand a court appearance, which means you’ll be required to pay both the cost of the ticket and the court fees. There are a variety of such offenses:

  • Driving without a valid driver’s license or permit
  • Driving a vehicle that isn’t insured
  • Passing a school bus that’s in the process of loading children
  • Exceeding the speed limit in a school zone when children are present
  • Failing to safely secure a child in a moving vehicle
  • Exceeding the speed limit by more than 20 miles per hour
  • Exceeding the speed limit in a construction zone when construction workers are present

All of these violations necessitate a court appearance and they all carry hefty point penalties (along with significant fines). Furthermore, if you just so happen to miss your court date because you forget or something comes up, you’ll likely be facing a warrant for your arrest and a suspension of your license. If you are pulled over on your way to work in the morning, there’s a good chance that you’ll spend the entire day in jail, which could result in significant problems at work—not to mention substantial embarrassment. Retaining an attorney to handle your traffic ticket will eliminate any possibility of missing your court date and likely resolve in a more positive resolution to your case than you could achieve on your own.