Felony: Experienced Handling of Juvenile Cases in Illinois

Juvenile cases involving felonies are complex and require expert legal representation. If you receive the dreaded phone call that your child has been arrested or charged with a felony crime, you may think a conviction or even juvenile detention is inevitable. Every parent wants the best opportunities for their child. Unfortunately, certain circumstances can disrupt your child’s life and possibly impact their future negatively. One such circumstance is if your child is accused of committing a felony. Juveniles are presumed innocent until proven guilty, and there are many ways to defend against a delinquency finding. Even if a judge rules that your child committed a felony, there are many options that focus on rehabilitation instead of detention.

Juvenile Offenses in Illinois

In Illinois, juvenile cases involve any offense committed by a minor, defined as an individual 16 years of age or younger. In federal juvenile cases, a juvenile is considered any individual under the age of 17. Some juvenile offenses can be prosecuted as adult crimes with adult penalties. Juvenile crimes can range from underage drinking to drug-related offenses or theft crimes. Common examples include criminal trespass, drug possession, DUI, illegal consumption by a minor, possession of a fake ID, theft/burglary, traffic offenses, school fights, assault, battery, and weapon offenses. While these acts may seem like irresponsible decisions by teenagers, authorities treat violations of the law by juveniles as criminal offenses. Police officers often arrest juveniles, and prosecutors pursue charges and potentially harsh sentences against young offenders, emphasizing the serious nature of juvenile cases.

Why You Need to Retain Legal Defense Now for Juvenile Cases

A juvenile case can cause extreme stress for a family and can also result in negative repercussions for the minor. If your child or loved one has been charged with a juvenile offense, the potential consequences dictate that you retain the legal services of a criminal defense attorney immediately. A criminal defense attorney can negotiate with judges and prosecutors to have a minor’s charges dismissed or reduced. They can also help the minor receive mental treatment, counseling, or probation, as opposed to a jail sentence. If you choose to retain the services of our criminal defense attorneys at Martin & Kent, L.L.C., we will do everything possible to show that your child is not a criminal but simply a youth who used poor judgment.

Call the Right Criminal Defense Lawyer for Your Child

Juvenile cases can be handled quite differently than other criminal cases, so you should seek help from a law firm that regularly represents juveniles. If your child is being treated as a juvenile, we know how to fight to keep your child’s record clean and avoid detention or other harsh punishments whenever possible. We aggressively negotiate to have prosecutors dismiss the charges against your child as early as possible in the case. Scott Kent Law also fights for alternatives to delinquency and sentencing, including good behavior programs, community service, jail visits, and probation. We know how to show that your child made an error in judgment and deserves rehabilitation instead of being treated like a hardened criminal.

Serious Felonies and Adult Charges for Juvenile Cases

Some juveniles are charged as adults even though they are minors. This is common when a juvenile is accused of certain serious felonies, including aggravated battery, sexual assault, or homicide. This means your child’s case will be handled by the Illinois or federal criminal courts instead of the juvenile justice system. If your child is convicted as an adult, they may be sentenced to imprisonment in an adult facility. It is essential to have the help of a highly skilled criminal defense attorney in this situation to protect your child’s safety and future. Whether your child is accused of a minor offense in juvenile court or a serious crime in adult court, our defense team can help you.

Contact a DuPage County Juvenile Defense Law Firm as Soon as Possible

When you need to secure tried-and-true legal services, you can count on our team at Scott Kent Law, L.L.C. to deliver. We have 42 years of combined criminal law experience and have handled over 10,000 cases. For more information about how we can help you and your family, contact our DuPage County criminal defense office for a free consultation today at (630) 474-8000!

Frequently Asked Questions - Juvenile Crimes Defense

What is considered a juvenile crime in Illinois?

In Illinois, a juvenile crime refers to any offense committed by an individual aged 16 or younger. Some juvenile offenses can also be prosecuted as adult crimes with corresponding penalties.

What are common examples of juvenile crimes?

Juvenile crimes can range from underage drinking, drug possession, and theft to offenses like criminal trespass, DUI, possession of fake ID, and more.

How are juvenile offenses different from adult crimes?

While some acts may seem like youthful mistakes, the legal system treats violations of the law by juveniles as criminal offenses. Juveniles can face arrests, charges, and potential harsh sentences, so it’s crucial to take any juvenile case seriously.

What are potential consequences of a juvenile conviction?

A juvenile conviction can have lasting adverse repercussions, inculding potential registration as a sex offender, limited career options, and ineligibility for government student aid for drug crimes.

Why is it important to hire a criminal defesne attorney for juvenile cases?

A criminal defense attorney with experience in juvenile cases can negotiate with prosecutors, aiming to have charges dimissed or reduced. They can also help minors receive counseling, mental treatment, probation, or alternative sentences to avoid jail time.

How can a criminal defense attorney help in juvenile cases?

An attorney can work to prove that the minor made an error in judgement rather than being a criminal. They can fight for alternatives to delinquency and harsh sentencing, such as community service, good behavior, probation, or rehabilitation.

What should I do if my child is charged as an adult for a serious offense?

If your child is charged with a serious crime and treated as an adult, it’s crucial to have a skilled criminal defense attorney to protect their safety and future. They may be at risk of imprisonment in an adult facility if convicted.

How can I find the right attorney for my child's juvenile case?

Seek an attorney with experience in handling juvenile cases, as they understand the unique aspects of the juvenile justice system. Attorneys like those at Scott Kent Law, L.L.C. have the expertise to navigate these cases effectively.

What is the importance of acting quickly in a juvenile case?

Time is crucial in juvenile cases. Acting promptly by consulting a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney can help build a strong defense strategy and protect the minor’s rights.

How can I schedule a consultation witha juvenile defense attorney?

To schedule a free consultation with our experienced defense attorneys at Scott Kent Law, L.L.C., contact us at (630) 474-8000. We have a deep understanding of juvenile cases and can provide guidance and support for you and your family.