The alleged conspiring between city officials and businessmen had made Redflex the largest traffic camera program in the US. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel dropped the city’s business with the company in 2013 although the program was still in effect until March of 2014. Prosecutors have accused former managing deputy commissioner for transportation John Bills of helping Redflex officials prep in secret meetings to arrange the for the company to be utilized by the city. In return, Bills is alleged to have received hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash.

Even after his retirement from the city in 2011, Bills was angling for a job with the red light camera business. The prosecution also alleges that Redflex increased its monthly payments to the Traffic Safety Coalition in an attempt to cover Bills’ salary. As the case moves to trial, Nishay Sanan, Bills’ attorney said the charges against his client are “weak” and that he expects Bills to be “fully vindicated at trial.

If you have been charged with a traffic offense or any other crime in Illinois, count on the professionals at Martin & Kent, LLC to provide a steady defense for you. Call our Wheaton office today!