Four Reasons to Hire a DUI Lawyer

Four Reasons to Hire a DUI Lawyer

If you find yourself charged with a DUI offense, you’re hardly in a unique circumstance—in DuPage County alone, 2,850 drivers were arrested for a DUI in 2016, with another 1,147 in Kane County. The state’s population center of Cook County, of course, leads Illinois...
DUI Lawyer: A Comprehensive Guide

DUI Lawyer: A Comprehensive Guide

Being charged with a DUI can be an overwhelming experience, with potential consequences that can significantly impact your life. However, enlisting the assistance of a skilled DUI lawyer can make a world of difference in your case’s outcome. This article delves...
Expungement and How It Works

Expungement and How It Works

Can You File for Expungement Without a Lawyer? Expungement of criminal records is a way of removing the record of criminal charges from your public record. While this is quite common for juvenile offenses, it can be much more difficult to have adult offenses expunged....
Pro Se or Not to Pro Se

Pro Se or Not to Pro Se

There is a long-standing tradition in American jurisprudence. Indeed, in English jurisprudence likely pre-dating the very existence of American jurisprudence. That a person has the right to represent him or her self in court. Representing yourself is known under the...
Facing a Drunk-Driving Charge? Get a Lawyer

Facing a Drunk-Driving Charge? Get a Lawyer

Perhaps things started innocently enough. You went to a ball game with your friends and had a few beers—or more. Or you went to a happy hour after work that lasted just a bit more than an hour. You got behind the wheel to drive home, and somewhere along the way,...
What Shows Up On a Criminal Record Check?

What Shows Up On a Criminal Record Check?

Lots of people run criminal background checks. These days, people you ask on a date often run commercially available background checks that search public records for information on you. Most background checks, though, are run by potential employers and law...