What Qualifies as Identity Theft?

What Qualifies as Identity Theft?

What Qualifies as Identity Theft? Public awareness of identity theft is constantly on the rise in recent years, as more and more news reports describe cyber attacks on websites and retailers that result in the theft of customers’ personal information, including names,...
Think Retail Theft Is No Big Deal? Think Again

Think Retail Theft Is No Big Deal? Think Again

Many people who have been accused of retail theft are under the mistaken impression that they are not in serious legal trouble. It possible that you absent-mindedly wandered out of the store without paying for an item—for example, you tried on a pair of sunglasses and...
Your Options in Drug Felony Cases To Keep IT OFF Your Record

Your Options in Drug Felony Cases To Keep IT OFF Your Record

Your Options in Drug Felony Cases To Keep IT OFF Your Record You may think that possessing a small amount of illegal drugs for your own personal use is not that big of an issue—that is, until you are arrested and face felony charges. Even a first offense for drug...


Illinois residents may wonder how an infraction differs from a misdemeanor or felony. An infraction is generally a minor offense like speeding. It is usually punishable by a fine. However, individuals who repeatedly ignore fines for infractions may face more serious...


When people think of shoplifting, they normally associate it with of theft. While the two can sometimes be basically the same, it is important to note that some laws draw a distinction between the two. While theft is generally defined as a person knowingly taking...