What Shows Up On a Criminal Record Check?

What Shows Up On a Criminal Record Check?

Lots of people run criminal background checks. These days, people you ask on a date often run commercially available background checks that search public records for information on you. Most background checks, though, are run by potential employers and law...
What Is the Function of a Grand Jury in a Criminal Trial?

What Is the Function of a Grand Jury in a Criminal Trial?

Grand juries work in secret. It actually is a crime to reveal what a grand jury is convened to consider. Naturally, operating under this kind of secrecy, it is no surprise that most people have no idea what the function of a grand jury actually is. Most people...
Prescription Drugs Can Get You in Trouble With the Law

Prescription Drugs Can Get You in Trouble With the Law

Prescription medications are controlled substances that are legal to possess if you have a valid prescription from an authorized medical professional. Since doctors and pharmacies regularly distribute prescription drugs, they may seem harmless. It may seem like no big...
Do I Need a Lawyer for an Expungement?

Do I Need a Lawyer for an Expungement?

If you are currently facing criminal charges in the greater Wheaton, Illinois, and DuPage County areas, you will have a criminal record that members of the general public can view at any time. Moreover, if you ultimately plead guilty or the court convicts you of the...
Dos and Don’ts for Your Criminal Case

Dos and Don’ts for Your Criminal Case

If you are facing criminal charges in Illinois, including for a DUI, you may not know where to turn next. Illinois criminal law can be complicated, and the penalties upon conviction are too serious for you to try and handle the case on your own. Even if you do...