How Social Media Can Affect Your Criminal Case

Social media and technology advancements in the past decade have changed how the world communicates. Technology allows us to use tablets, smartphones, and computers to communicate readily with loved ones and co-workers in an instant. Billions of people use Instagram,...
Why Kent Law?

Why Kent Law?

Kent Law offers extensive experience and knowledge to fight for the best possible outcome in your case. When facing criminal charges, finding the right attorney can be overwhelming. Here is why you should choose Kent Law for all your criminal defense needs. Kent Law:...
Are Video Hearings for Juveniles a Good Idea?

Are Video Hearings for Juveniles a Good Idea?

Illinois is considering legislation that would require detention hearings for juveniles to take place within 48 hours of their temporary custody. However, this change in the law could have serious implications for the rights of the juveniles involved. This article...
Juvenile Status for 19-21 Year-Olds

Juvenile Status for 19-21 Year-Olds

Pending Legislation Would Try 19, 20, and 21-Year-Olds as Juveniles Most people would consider someone 18 or older to be an adult and not a juvenile. That person is old enough to vote, old enough to join the military without parental permission. Old enough to go off...
Expungement and How It Works

Expungement and How It Works

Can You File for Expungement Without a Lawyer? Expungement of criminal records is a way of removing the record of criminal charges from your public record. While this is quite common for juvenile offenses, it can be much more difficult to have adult offenses expunged....
How to Expunge a Juvenile Charge

How to Expunge a Juvenile Charge

Juvenile Charges Can Have Far-Reaching Impacts A wild youth, it seems, no longer is enough of an explanation for juvenile criminal charges. These days, such charges can have long-term consequences, even when they seem to be minor offenses. Such consequences can...