How Do I Beat a Gun Charge in Illinois?

How Do I Beat a Gun Charge in Illinois?

Given that gun possession and trafficking is becoming a bigger and bigger problem across Illinois, police are cracking down on gun crimes throughout the state—including in and around Wheaton and DuPage County. Given that Illinois has some of the harshest gun laws in...
Collateral Consequences of a Felony

Collateral Consequences of a Felony

If you are ultimately found guilty or convicted of a felony in Illinois, there is no doubt that your life will change forever. Many felonies can result in penalties that include jail time, fines, probation, victim restitution, and other serious consequences. You may...

How to Find a Good DUI Lawyer

Hiring a lawyer to represent you in your DUI case is a big decision. Through Cook County, DuPage County, and Kane County are in the top five for Illinois’s most DUI arrests (with 8,446, almost 3,000, and 1,147, respectively), the saturation of criminal defense lawyers...
Prescription Drugs Can Get You in Trouble With the Law

Prescription Drugs Can Get You in Trouble With the Law

Prescription medications are controlled substances that are legal to possess if you have a valid prescription from an authorized medical professional. Since doctors and pharmacies regularly distribute prescription drugs, they may seem harmless. It may seem like no big...
How to Expunge a Juvenile Charge

How to Expunge a Juvenile Charge

Juvenile Charges Can Have Far-Reaching Impacts A wild youth, it seems, no longer is enough of an explanation for juvenile criminal charges. These days, such charges can have long-term consequences, even when they seem to be minor offenses. Such consequences can...
Call a Defense Attorney for Probation Violations

Call a Defense Attorney for Probation Violations

When you face criminal charges, your criminal defense attorney can work in many ways to keep you out of jail. In most cases, an alternative sentence to imprisonment may be available in the form of probation. Illinois has three different types of “probation” sentences:...