Opioids and Heroin Charges: The Serious Consequences of them

Opioids and Heroin Charges: The Serious Consequences of them

Opioids is now coming to the forefront yet years ago, meth was the big problem, and a hugely successful cable television show told the story of a fictional high school chemistry teacher who took up manufacturing meth to pay for his cancer treatments. Meth was huge,...
Facing a Drunk-Driving Charge? Get a Lawyer

Facing a Drunk-Driving Charge? Get a Lawyer

Perhaps things started innocently enough. You went to a ball game with your friends and had a few beers—or more. Or you went to a happy hour after work that lasted just a bit more than an hour. You got behind the wheel to drive home, and somewhere along the way,...
What Shows Up On a Criminal Record Check?

What Shows Up On a Criminal Record Check?

Lots of people run criminal background checks. These days, people you ask on a date often run commercially available background checks that search public records for information on you. Most background checks, though, are run by potential employers and law...
What Is the Function of a Grand Jury in a Criminal Trial?

What Is the Function of a Grand Jury in a Criminal Trial?

Grand juries work in secret. It actually is a crime to reveal what a grand jury is convened to consider. Naturally, operating under this kind of secrecy, it is no surprise that most people have no idea what the function of a grand jury actually is. Most people...
There Are Collateral Consequences to an Illinois DUI Conviction

There Are Collateral Consequences to an Illinois DUI Conviction

There Are Collateral Consequences to an Illinois DUI Conviction You go out for a night on the town with your friends. You drink a few beers, maybe a shot or two. Or maybe you just go out for a dinner with friends that includes some wine. Maybe a little more than some....

What Happens if I Miss a Probation or Parole Appointment?

Probation and parole, while two very different beasts, both result in a criminal offender either not going to jail at all or getting out of jail early. Both probationers and parolees face the prospect of jail time—including completion of their original sentence—if...