Breathalyzer Tests: How Reliable Are They?

Breathalyzer Tests: How Reliable Are They?

Are Breathalyzer Tests Always Accurate? Are Breathalyzer Tests Always Accurate? When an officer suspects a driver is intoxicated. They need probable cause to believe they were driving under the influence (DUI) in order to make an arrest. A common way officers try to...
DUI Conviction & Your Academic Future

DUI Conviction & Your Academic Future

A DUI Conviction Can Affect Your Academic Future Everybody makes mistakes when they are young. Some of them are more serious than others, but all of them can have a negative impact on your future prospects, particularly when they involve encounters with law...
Felony Conviction & the Consequences

Felony Conviction & the Consequences

Understanding the Collateral Consequences of a Felony Conviction If you are convicted of a felony, it can have long-lasting consequences that go far beyond the immediate sentence handed down by the court. Regardless of whether you serve time in jail. Having a felony...
Pro Se or Not to Pro Se

Pro Se or Not to Pro Se

There is a long-standing tradition in American jurisprudence. Indeed, in English jurisprudence likely pre-dating the very existence of American jurisprudence. That a person has the right to represent him or her self in court. Representing yourself is known under the...
Criminal Records & Expungement

Criminal Records & Expungement

 Expunged Records & the Impact on Background Checks A Criminal record can significantly impact one’s employment prospects.  Expungement of eligible criminal history can limit access by others to your criminal history. Expungement is a legal process...
Breathalyzer Calibration: Key in DUI Cases

Breathalyzer Calibration: Key in DUI Cases

Breathalyzer Test Results and Officer Testimony In DUI cases, the two factors that play a significant role in determining the outcome are the results of the Breathalyzer test and the officer’s testimony regarding the driver’s behavior. However, not all drivers exhibit...