What Shows Up On a Criminal Record Check?

What Shows Up On a Criminal Record Check?

Lots of people run criminal background checks. These days, people you ask on a date often run commercially available background checks that search public records for information on you. Most background checks, though, are run by potential employers and law...
What Is the Function of a Grand Jury in a Criminal Trial?

What Is the Function of a Grand Jury in a Criminal Trial?

Grand juries work in secret. It actually is a crime to reveal what a grand jury is convened to consider. Naturally, operating under this kind of secrecy, it is no surprise that most people have no idea what the function of a grand jury actually is. Most people...
Dos and Don’ts for Your Criminal Case

Dos and Don’ts for Your Criminal Case

If you are facing criminal charges in Illinois, including for a DUI, you may not know where to turn next. Illinois criminal law can be complicated, and the penalties upon conviction are too serious for you to try and handle the case on your own. Even if you do...
Can I Have a Misdemeanor or Felony Expunged?

Can I Have a Misdemeanor or Felony Expunged?

Recent changes in Illinois law have made it possible to have a greater number of offenses expunged or sealed from criminal records. This has made it easier for many individuals to start over with a clean slate, helping them to secure good jobs and stable housing. Once...
Should I Hire a Lawyer for My First DUI?

Should I Hire a Lawyer for My First DUI?

Even if you were never charged with a DUI before, you can still be faced with serious penalties if you are ultimately found guilty or convicted. In some cases, even a first-time DUI conviction can result in a license suspension, fine, or even jail time. If you are...
How Do I Beat a Gun Charge in Illinois?

How Do I Beat a Gun Charge in Illinois?

Given that gun possession and trafficking is becoming a bigger and bigger problem across Illinois, police are cracking down on gun crimes throughout the state—including in and around Wheaton and DuPage County. Given that Illinois has some of the harshest gun laws in...