Believe it or Not, Marijuana Possession Can Still Be a Crime

It could be easy to believe these days that marijuana use or possession is pretty much not a big deal. Certainly as a legal matter, it seems like marijuana is legal just about everywhere. That remains a good way to land in jail. It hardly seems that way. So far, 33...

How Do I Go About Hiring a DUI Attorney?

If a police officer arrested you on charges of driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI), you need a lawyer right away. The consequences of a conviction for drunk driving charges can be quite serious, and having a proper defense can be...
What Types of Fraud Charges Can Defendants Face?

What Types of Fraud Charges Can Defendants Face?

Fraud charges in Illinois cover a lot of ground. Virtually any transaction involving an exchange of money or property in some way can give rise to fraud charges. Fraud basically amounts to utilizing deception to gain a financial advantage in a transaction, whether...
Opioid Arrests: What Happens Next?

Opioid Arrests: What Happens Next?

The Significant Consequences of an Arrest on Opioid Charges Most people agree that the country is in the grip of an unprecedented opioid-abuse crisis, and Illinois is no exception to a nationwide trend. As in so many states throughout the country, many thousands of...
Opioids and Heroin Charges: The Serious Consequences of them

Opioids and Heroin Charges: The Serious Consequences of them

Opioids is now coming to the forefront yet years ago, meth was the big problem, and a hugely successful cable television show told the story of a fictional high school chemistry teacher who took up manufacturing meth to pay for his cancer treatments. Meth was huge,...
Facing a Drunk-Driving Charge? Get a Lawyer

Facing a Drunk-Driving Charge? Get a Lawyer

Perhaps things started innocently enough. You went to a ball game with your friends and had a few beers—or more. Or you went to a happy hour after work that lasted just a bit more than an hour. You got behind the wheel to drive home, and somewhere along the way,...