Criminal Records & Expungement

Criminal Records & Expungement

 Expunged Records & the Impact on Background Checks A Criminal record can significantly impact one’s employment prospects.  Expungement of eligible criminal history can limit access by others to your criminal history. Expungement is a legal process...
Expungement and How It Works

Expungement and How It Works

Can You File for Expungement Without a Lawyer? Expungement of criminal records is a way of removing the record of criminal charges from your public record. While this is quite common for juvenile offenses, it can be much more difficult to have adult offenses expunged....
Pro Se or Not to Pro Se

Pro Se or Not to Pro Se

There is a long-standing tradition in American jurisprudence. Indeed, in English jurisprudence likely pre-dating the very existence of American jurisprudence. That a person has the right to represent him or her self in court. Representing yourself is known under the...
Opioid Arrests: What Happens Next?

Opioid Arrests: What Happens Next?

The Significant Consequences of an Arrest on Opioid Charges Most people agree that the country is in the grip of an unprecedented opioid-abuse crisis, and Illinois is no exception to a nationwide trend. As in so many states throughout the country, many thousands of...
Opioids and Heroin Charges: The Serious Consequences of them

Opioids and Heroin Charges: The Serious Consequences of them

Opioids is now coming to the forefront yet years ago, meth was the big problem, and a hugely successful cable television show told the story of a fictional high school chemistry teacher who took up manufacturing meth to pay for his cancer treatments. Meth was huge,...
There Are Collateral Consequences to an Illinois DUI Conviction

There Are Collateral Consequences to an Illinois DUI Conviction

There Are Collateral Consequences to an Illinois DUI Conviction You go out for a night on the town with your friends. You drink a few beers, maybe a shot or two. Or maybe you just go out for a dinner with friends that includes some wine. Maybe a little more than some....