What Qualifies as Identity Theft?

What Qualifies as Identity Theft?

What Qualifies as Identity Theft? Public awareness of identity theft is constantly on the rise in recent years, as more and more news reports describe cyber attacks on websites and retailers that result in the theft of customers’ personal information, including names,...

What Happens if I Miss a Probation or Parole Appointment?

Probation and parole, while two very different beasts, both result in a criminal offender either not going to jail at all or getting out of jail early. Both probationers and parolees face the prospect of jail time—including completion of their original sentence—if...
Is it Illegal to Film Police in Illinois?

Is it Illegal to Film Police in Illinois?

Is it Illegal to Film Police in Illinois? For many years, Illinois had one of the strictest eavesdropping laws in the nation. For decades, Illinois outlawed any recording of communications made without the consent of all parties to the conversation. Illinois remains a...
Marijuana and DUI: What You Need to Know

Marijuana and DUI: What You Need to Know

Even Legal Marijuana Use Can Result in a Charge of Driving Under the Influence Illinois policy on marijuana is a little bit of a mish-mash. For years, state policy held that any trace of marijuana in the bloodstream or urine of a driver could support a charge of...
Probation: What You Need to Know

Probation: What You Need to Know

Probation is an alternative to a jail sentence given by a judge in Illinois for minor offenses or where the offender shows a willingness to be rehabilitated. However, probation is not available for everyone, particularly those with extensive criminal records or who...
Probable Cause & Protecting Your Rights

Probable Cause & Protecting Your Rights

The Importance of Probable Cause in Arrests The Fourth Amendment requires the police to have probable cause before they can make an arrest, search, or obtain a warrant. But what exactly does probable cause mean? The term is defined by the courts as a basis for a...