How Do I Go About Hiring a DUI Attorney?

If a police officer arrested you on charges of driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI), you need a lawyer right away. The consequences of a conviction for drunk driving charges can be quite serious, and having a proper defense can be...
Facing a Drunk-Driving Charge? Get a Lawyer

Facing a Drunk-Driving Charge? Get a Lawyer

Perhaps things started innocently enough. You went to a ball game with your friends and had a few beers—or more. Or you went to a happy hour after work that lasted just a bit more than an hour. You got behind the wheel to drive home, and somewhere along the way,...
There Are Collateral Consequences to an Illinois DUI Conviction

There Are Collateral Consequences to an Illinois DUI Conviction

There Are Collateral Consequences to an Illinois DUI Conviction You go out for a night on the town with your friends. You drink a few beers, maybe a shot or two. Or maybe you just go out for a dinner with friends that includes some wine. Maybe a little more than some....
DUI Enforcement Surges around the Fourth of July

DUI Enforcement Surges around the Fourth of July

DUI enforcement initiatives are attempts by law enforcement patrols to stop and cite drunk drivers, and the Fourth of July presents law enforcement with an obvious opportunity to increase enforcement efforts. The Fourth practically begs friends and family to come...


Everyone should know that driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol is against the law in Illinois, as well as every other state in America. Getting caught behind the wheel when you are drunk can result in serious legal consequences, and a DUI conviction on your...


Illinois residents who drive without a license may be committing a crime. Not being able to present proof of having a driver’s license may also be a violation of the law. Common violations of driver’s license requirements include failing to get one for the...