Four Reasons to Hire a DUI Lawyer

Four Reasons to Hire a DUI Lawyer

If you find yourself charged with a DUI offense, you’re hardly in a unique circumstance—in DuPage County alone, 2,850 drivers were arrested for a DUI in 2016, with another 1,147 in Kane County. The state’s population center of Cook County, of course, leads Illinois...
DUI Lawyer: Do You Need One?

DUI Lawyer: Do You Need One?

Do I Need a DUI Lawyer? Many people who have been pulled over and charged with driving under the influence recoil at the cost of hiring a lawyer to defend them against the DUI charge. While hiring a DUI lawyer can be expensive, it can be more expensive to not hire a...
Eyewitness Identifications & Unreliability

Eyewitness Identifications & Unreliability

Eyewitness testimony is a powerful tool in criminal cases, but it is also notoriously unreliable. While it may seem like a clear-cut way to identify a suspect, eyewitnesses are often under high levels of stress and may not have had a clear view of the crime. Research...
Breathalyzer Calibration: Key in DUI Cases

Breathalyzer Calibration: Key in DUI Cases

Breathalyzer Test Results and Officer Testimony In DUI cases, the two factors that play a significant role in determining the outcome are the results of the Breathalyzer test and the officer’s testimony regarding the driver’s behavior. However, not all drivers exhibit...
Pro Se or Not to Pro Se

Pro Se or Not to Pro Se

There is a long-standing tradition in American jurisprudence. Indeed, in English jurisprudence likely pre-dating the very existence of American jurisprudence. That a person has the right to represent him or her self in court. Representing yourself is known under the...
Marijuana and DUI: What You Need to Know

Marijuana and DUI: What You Need to Know

Even Legal Marijuana Use Can Result in a Charge of Driving Under the Influence Illinois policy on marijuana is a little bit of a mish-mash. For years, state policy held that any trace of marijuana in the bloodstream or urine of a driver could support a charge of...