Aggressive Criminal Defense Attorneys in DuPage, Kane, and Cook County

Internet Crimes Defense

Internet crimes are on the rise, and law enforcement is employing increasingly sophisticated methods to catch and charge offenders. If you are accused of committing an internet or electronic crime, you could face significant fines and prison time. Such charges carry a damaging stigma that can affect your future, potentially causing you to miss out on career advancements and other opportunities. Don’t let this happen to you.

Call a DuPage County criminal defense attorney from Scott Kent Law, L.L.C., to defend you and protect your reputation. We offer free initial consultations to assess your case.

Types of Electronic Crimes

Although distinguishing between different electronic crimes can be challenging, officials are working diligently to stay current with fast-changing trends. They use forensics to analyze computers and other digital evidence, meaning individuals accused of electronic crimes now face harsh prosecution. You need a lawyer who understands the changes in electronic crimes and how to defend your rights.

Common types of electronic crimes include:

  • Cyber fraud
  • Identity theft
  • Credit card theft
  • Credit card fraud
  • Computer hacking or tampering
  • Hate crimes
  • Distributing viruses or malware
  • Internet scams
  • Phishing
  • Electronic vandalism
  • Distributing illegal or offensive material

With over 42 years of combined experience in criminal defense, our firm has the expertise necessary to defend against your charges. We have a thorough knowledge of the law and can use our experience as former prosecutors to your advantage. This allows us to formulate defense strategies that can help clear your name from any involvement in the crime.

Possible Penalties for Illinois Internet Crimes

Because internet crimes vary widely in nature and severity, the possible consequences you face will depend on the specific allegations against you. The best way to understand your potential consequences is to have a skilled internet crime defense lawyer evaluate your case. Here are some examples of penalties in certain internet crime cases.

Cyber Fraud Penalties

Internet fraud schemes are generally intended to deprive others of money, property, or information without permission. Therefore, this type of offense is penalized much like theft offenses, and the charges and consequences will largely depend on the amount of money or property obtained or attempted to be obtained by the fraud.

  • Up to $1,000 – Class 4 felony, one to three years of imprisonment
  • $1,000 to $50,000 – Class 3 felony, two to five years of imprisonment
  • More than $50,000 – Class 2 felony, three to seven years of imprisonment

You can also be subject to property forfeiture if authorities believe any assets or property you have were the product of the fraud. The court can order you to pay restitution, impose fines and court costs, and more.

Computer Tampering Penalties

There are also different levels of computer tampering charges and penalties, depending on the specific acts claimed by the prosecutor.

  • Accessing a network or computer without permission – Class B misdemeanor
  • Falsifying routing information to falsify an email transmission – Class B misdemeanor
  • Accessing a network or computer without permission to obtain services or data – Class 4 felony
  • Accessing a network or computer and then destroying or altering programs or data – Class 4 felony for a first offense, Class 3 felony for subsequent offenses
  • Inserting a program that will destroy or alter another program, falsify email transmission, or otherwise cause a loss to the computer users – Class 4 felony for a first offense, Class 3 felony for subsequent offenses
  • Any form of computer tampering that affects the services of public utilities or government agencies – Class 3 felony
  • Any form of computer tampering that causes the probability of harm or death of another person – Class 2 felony

Hate Crimes Penalties

Illinois recently expanded its hate crime laws to include cyberstalking, online intimidation, and transmitting obscene messages as hate crimes when appropriate.

  • First offense – Class 3 felony
  • Subsequent offenses – Class 2 felony

Offenders can also face fines, and the law allows hate crime victims to seek civil damages from the offender.

These are only some examples of the possible penalties for different internet crimes. The right defense attorney can help to lessen the penalties you face in many ways. Some defense tactics include:

  • Challenging the prosecutor’s ability to prove all elements of the offense
  • Presenting mitigating factors and/or challenging aggravating factors
  • Presenting any and all possible legal defenses
  • Negotiating a plea agreement for reduced charges or a lesser sentence
  • Arguing for a term of probation in lieu of prison time

Just because you are behind a computer screen does not mean you are immune from criminal charges and convictions of internet offenses. Call our office as soon as you can if you are under investigation or have been arrested.

Why You Should Hire Our Firm

Colleagues and state officials have recognized us as one of the top criminal defense firms in Illinois. Our vast experience in many areas of criminal law helps us maintain our pace as one of the top firms in the state. Many of our cases have ended in acquittals, which means we are committed to getting our clients the best possible results. When you are ready to speak with us about your electronic crime case, you can do so during your free consultation.

We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Contact us at (630) 474-8000 as soon as possible when you’re ready to discuss your case!

Frequently Asked Questions - Internet Crimes Defense

What are internet crimes?

Internet Crimes, also known as electronic crimes or cybercrimes, involve illegal activities conducted through digital platforms. These crimes can range from cyber fraud and identity theft to hacking, phishing, and distributing illegal or offensive content.

How serious are internet crime charges?

Internet crime charges can be very serious and may lead to heavy fines prison time, and a tarnished reputation. Theseverity of the charges depend on the nature of the crime, the amount of money or data involved, and the potential harm caused.

What should I do if I'm accused of an internet crime?

If you’re accused of an internet crime, it’s crucial to consult an experienced criminal defense attorney who specializes in internet crime cases. They can provide expert guidance, evaluate the evidence against you, and build a strong defense strategy.

What types of internet crimes are commonly prosecuted?

Commonly prosecuted internet crimes inculde cyber fraud, internet theft, credit card theft and fraud, hacking, distributing viruses or malware, internet scams, phising, and distributing illegal or offensive material.

How can an attorney defend against internet crime charges?

An attorney can defend against internet crime charges by thoroughly investigating the evidence, challenging the prosecution’s case, presenting legal defenses, and negotiating with prosecutors for reduced charges or penalties.

What penalties can I face for cyber fraud?

Penalties for cyber fraud vaary based on the amount of money or proerty involved. They can range from a Class 4 felony with one to three years of imprisonment for up to $1,000, to a Class 2 felony with three to seven years of imprisonmentfor more than $50,000.

Are there defenses for computer tampering charges?

Yes, defenses for computer tampering charges can inculde challenging the prosecutor’s ability to prove all elements of the offense, presenting mitigating factors, asserting possible legal defenses, negotiating for reduced charges, or arguing for probation instead of prison time.

What are the penalties for hate crimes related to internet activities?

Illinois recently expanded its hate crime laws to include cyberstalking, online intimidation, and transmitting obscene messages as hate crimes. Penalties can range from a Class 3 felony for a first offense to a Class 2 felony for subsequent offenses.

Why should I hire a firm with experience in internet crimes?

Hiring a firm experienced in internet crimes is essential because these cases involve intricate technical and legal complexities. An experienced attorney understand the nuances of digial evidence, cyber laws, and can craftcraft effective defense strategies.

How can I schedule a consultation with an internet crimes defense attorney?

To schedule a consultation with skilled internet crimes defense attorneys at Scott Kent Law, L.L.C., call (630)-474-8000. They can assess your case, explain your options, and work towards protecting your right and reputation.