In Illinois, different point amounts are associated with different traffic convictions. People who have not had their license suspended or revoked in the prior seven years and they accumulate 15 points will have their license suspended from two to 12 months. If a person has had a prior revocation or suspension in the past seven years, the suspension period will range from four to 12 months.

Certain traffic offenses will lead to a suspension of the driving license. These include DUI offenses, refusing to submit to a breath test or failing one, drag racing, causing an accident in a road construction zone, reckless driving, failing to stop for a railroad crossing signal and failing to yield to an emergency vehicle. A person who holds a CDL may be disqualified from using it for certain offenses, including DUI convictions, committing a felony with a commercial motor vehicle, refusing a chemical test, following too closely, improperly using lanes, excessive speeding and leaving an accident scene.

People who are ticketed for traffic violations may want to fight their tickets. An attorney who has experience with these matters might be able to negotiate an agreement with the prosecutor that entails a plea of guilty to a non-moving violation that doesn’t carry any points.